Top of the Bluffs - Scarborough Crescent Park
Bluffer's Beach is a great place to take your dog when it gets hot. Many people visit this beach on Lake Ontario to cool down and to take in the sight of the dramatic cliffs. Our blog Bluffer's Park gives details on a few hikes you can take along the shores at beach level.
When visiting Bluffer's Beach, you may want to go to the top of the cliffs for great views of the lake and park. Unfortunately, no trail takes you from Bluffer's Park to the top of the cliff.
This blog gives details for a hike in Scarborough Crescent Park, which is located on the top of the Scarborough Bluffs. Although you can reach this park by walking up the steep Brimley Road hill, this blog gives details for a hiking loop starting at Crescent Park.
There is a fence along the cliff edge so you can walk along without fear of falling off. Signs indicate the danger as well. The fence is easy to breach, so make sure you keep your dog on a leash.
In addition to hiking trails and views, Crescent Park has a children's playground, a water park, many park benches, and trees planted as memorials.
Scarborough Crescent Park is located at 61 Cliffside Drive. Parking is limited but free on Cecil Crescent.
The playground is still closed due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, but the waterpark is open.
There are many nature trails throughout the park that take you to Brimley Road. The hike I recommend is 4 km in length.

Follow the trail along the fence. As mentioned before, the edge of the cliff is on the other side of the fence.
Follow the trail until you reach Brimley Road. Turn back and use the paths further from the cliffs for a shady walk in the forest.

Between the trees and bushes, you'll get beautiful views of the lake, the marina, the cliffs, and Buffer's Park.
As you approach Brimley Road, you'll see the domed roof of St. Augustine's Seminary of Toronto.
Off-leash Opportunities
The trail next to the cliff has a fence, but a dog can quickly go under and may be in danger of falling off the cliff. For this reason, I suggest you keep your dog on a leash for most of this hike.
Once you get to Brimley Road, turn back but follow the trail next to the school fence instead of the cliff. This trail takes you back to where you started but through a forest. If your dog stays next to you when you hike, you may feel safe letting your dog run off-leash in this area as it is pretty far from the cliff.
Scarborough Crescent Park is an excellent place for birdwatching. We saw hawks, cardinals, red-winged blackbirds, swallows, robins, warblers, and finches.
Trail Treasure
During the COVID lockdown, many people kept busy by painting rocks and hiding them in the forest. We found many in this park.
Alternate routes
If you are already at the Beach, you may choose to walk 1 km up the steep hill to the Seminary. From the Seminary, you can walk along cliff's edge for views of Bluffer's Park.
From Scarborough Crescent Park, you can walk west along Fishleigh Drive to Scarborough Heights Park. My next blog will provide details about this hike.
From Scarborough Heights Park, there is a trail that takes you to the shore a very short distance (maybe 500 m) from Bluffer's Beach. The cliffs have eroded in this area, so there is no quick way back to Bluffer's Beach unless you have a floating device or are prepared to swim.
Enjoy your hike! When you post photos to Instagram, tag us at @hikingtoronto or #hikingtorontowithlucy
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