
There are many birds to observe in Toronto and many organizations to help improve the habitat.

As I get better at photographing the birds I encounter in Toronto, I'll update this page. I also plan to do research so I can better understand how to help them survive in today's world.

Northern Cardinal

The bright red cardinals are the males. Their colour is so bright that they are one of the easiest birds to identify. The females are not as bright in colour as is usual for birds. Males usually are much fancier. If you look closely, you'll often see them near each other.


Blue Jays

Blue Jays are very distinctive looking, and they have a call that you've likely heard many times but couldn't identify. They are harder to photograph as they like to stay at the very tops of trees. You can entice them to come close with the right food.

We noticed a pair of Blue Jays while hiking The Betty Sutherland Trail, but I only had my iPhone with me.


They are the ones with the red-breasts. They are everywhere in the spring, and to me, they signify the coming of spring. The winter of 2020 was so mild that many did not migrate south. 

Cooper's Hawk

Usually seen flying high in the sky, a couple of years ago, I noticed one eyeing squirrels as I sat on my deck. I've seen a pair flying over Brookbank's Park and was told there is a nest in Windfields Park. 

Downy Woodpecker

I've seen Woodpeckers in my backyard and on most of the trails I've hiked in Toronto. 


Mourning Dove

Perhaps you've heard a mournful cry when in your yard or on walks. It may be that dove on the hydro wire is making the sound. We encountered a nest of mourning dove chicks that had been pushed out of a tree. Using gloves I carefully placed the nest and the two chicks back in the tree while the mother dove watched. I was hoping they would survive but sadly they didn't. 


Small, cute, and very common. Their song sounds like their name.


This was a new discovery for me this year. They are around in the winter and like to eat from trees while upside down.


My new birdfeeder is attracting many birds, including Purple Finches and American rosefinch. I'm waiting for blue and greenfinches to visit. I've seen a goldfinch on a hike next to the Don River.

Great Blue Heron

I didn't expect to see a Great Blue Heron on my hikes in Toronto, but within a week, I saw Herons in two different parks. It could be the same Heron, but I wouldn't know. Terraview Park is swampy and attracts many waterbirds, so it's not surprising to find a heron. I also saw one flying over the Donalda Golf Course.

Mallard Ducks


Canada Geese

Red Wing Black Birds



Common grackle

Eastern Phoebe

 Eastern Kingbird


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